Did You Know You Could Listen To Raven Radio On Tv?
Did You Know You Could Listen To Raven Radio On Tv?
Posted on 10/13/2021
Royal Oak High School's daily "Raven Report" is changing things up this school year. The video newscast that has been brought to you Mike Conrad's advanced video students each year will now be moving to a longer, once-a-week format. In place of a daily video newscast, Raven Radio will be delivering daily news and other announcements to the high school live over the PA system from the newly built podcast studio.
"By changing the Raven Report to a once-a-week format, it opens up our daily schedule to allow students to work on and create more projects. The podcast studio offers students the opportunity to learn more about auditory storytelling," said Mike Conrad.
Conrad plans to have students create longer-form podcasts in the future as well. Daily Raven Radio episodes can be heard during programming breaks on WOAK, the student television station.
You can listen to a podcast here.