Royal Oak, Mich.- Royal Oak Schools will be hosting a State of the Schools meeting on August 17, 2022. This is the first of its kind for the district.
The meeting will occur at the Administrative Offices on 800 DeVillen at 7 PM. Superintendent Mary Beth Fitzpatrick will be hosting the event.
"We are looking forward to a great new school year for 2022-23," said Fitzpatrick. "I'm happy to have this opportunity to share the good news of the district with our community."
Fitzpatrick will talk about programs, services, and activities held within the district. She will highlight the budget, safety services, and give a progress report on the bond. She will give an overview of long-range planning for the district. Those in attendance will learn of ways they can get involved with the district like support organizations, volunteer opportunities, and more.
The event is open to the public.
If you can't make it in person, use this link to watch it streamed on the district YouTube channel. The program will be recorded and played back on WOAK-TV on August 18 at 6:30 PM.