Schools of Choice Applications
Schools of Choice Applications Now Accepted
Posted on 03/01/2023

We will accept applications for our Schools of Choice program from March 1-31, 2023 for the 2023-24 school year. Assignment to schools and classrooms is on a space-available basis as approved by the Royal Oak Schools Board of Education. All new students must apply during this period to be considered, including siblings who intend to enroll for next year from current Schools of Choice families.
This program allows Oakland County residents from other Oakland Schools districts to apply for enrollment in Royal Oak Schools. Seats are available from Kindergarten through 8th grade. The application can be found online on the district enrollment page under the Schools of Choice tab. Paper applications are available at the Administrative Office at 800 DeVillen.
If you are a current Schools of Choice family, and have a student who is not enrolled with us who will be entering grade K-8 next school year, you must submit an application for them to be given placement consideration.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our enrollment office or our school principals.