Oak Ridge Wellness Rock Garden
Oak Ridge Wellness Rocks
Posted on 06/28/2024
A multi-generational collaboration to bring joy to all who see it was brought to fruition at Oak Ridge Elementary. Students from Oak Ridge and residents from the Waltonwood Royal Oak community painted 100's of colorful rocks which were unveiled at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in June.
“We are thrilled that our Oak Ridge students have the wonderful opportunity of partnering with our friends and neighbors at Waltonwood to create this beautiful rock garden,” said Oak Ridge teacher Ali Bodle during the ceremony.
Teachers Mary Kosnik and Ali Bodle worked with District Communications Specialist Amy Murphy and Waltonwood Life Enrichment Coordinator Donyel Snead to make this happen.
"Last year, every Oak Ridge student painted a rock, and this year residents at Waltonwood added their own creations to the garden," said Kosnik. “Together we painted over 450 rocks, and we hope this inspires everyone who walks by and gives them a reason to smile,” she added.
The garden will continue to grow with painted rocks from both students and Waltonwood residents in the coming years.
“I hope that these rocks become an inspiration for all of you and that when you walk by in years to come, you will look back and say, ‘I was a part of that and will still keep it going,’” said Superintendent Mary Beth Fitzpatrick. The district hopes to create wellness rock gardens at other schools as well.