
As a Volunteer in Royal Oak Schools, you are a welcome addition to our school community! Volunteers play an important role in the success and well-being of our students, our programs, and our schools. Prospective Volunteers in Royal Oak Schools should first talk to the Building Principal about the specific needs for volunteering in the school.

For occasional Volunteers, working in the building once or twice per year under the direct supervision of building faculty or staff members, the Building Principal will provide building-specific information about volunteering.

For Volunteers who are in the building on a regular and continuous basis (rather than occasional as defined above)and for any volunteers who chaperone students on off-site field trips and/or transport students in their personal vehicles, the following process must be completed after receiving the approval of the Building Principal, and prior to volunteering in the school on a regular and continuous basis.

  • Complete a Volunteer Request Form, obtained from the Building Principal, which allows the school district to conduct a Criminal History Screening
  • Provide a Copy of the Prospective Volunteer Driver's License
  • The Building Principal will submit this information to the School District Human Resources for processing. Once the Criminal History Screening is completed, the Building Principal will be notified that the volunteer may begin volunteering in the school.

All overnight Volunteer chaperones for overnight field trips must have a Criminal Background Check, in addition to the Criminal History Screening; this added check requires fingerprinting. The Building Principal/Teacher must contact the Human Resources Office with the names of all prospective overnight Volunteer chaperones when planning an overnight field trip so that the appropriate arrangements may be made in advance of the trip for fingerprinting to be completed and full Criminal Background Check information to be received and reviewed.

Please note:

  • All information from the Criminal History Screening, and, where conducted, Background Check is kept confidential and is not shared with the Building. If questions arise, the volunteer will be contacted by the Human Resources Office.
  • Volunteer Request Forms for regular and continuous volunteering need to be completed annually for a prospective volunteer.
  • Picture ID badges are not issued to volunteers. All Volunteers must always sign in each time they check-in for volunteering.

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