Exciting news! In an effort to provide increased access to programs and resources that improve the trajectory of our students' lives, Royal Oak Schools is preparing to launch Peachjar. This new platform will enable us to send important school and community flyers to parents digitally, saving our schools time, money, and paper.
School-approved digital flyers will be sent to your email inbox where you can easily click to sign up for events and programs. No more rifling through binders to find this helpful information.
You'll receive a welcome email from Peachjar. No action is required to begin receiving this communication from your school.
To ensure you don't miss notifications, we suggest you add [email protected] to your email contacts and click "always display images" when you receive your first email.
Peachjar is used exclusively for the distribution of school-approved flyers only. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure parents are well informed about school programs, activities, and events!