Unified Basketball Heats Up The Court In February

Unified Basketball Heats Up The Court In February
Posted on 02/01/2022

Have you heard of the Unified Sports League? They are playing basketball right now for the Ravens. Royal Oak High School is a Unified Champion School, which is an education-based project that uses sports and education programs of the Special Olympics to activate young minds across the country. The team is made up of pairs of male and female students with and without disabilities. They partner for optimal performance on the court.

Head Coach Jim Hutton said that there are many coaches involved with this team, including paraprofessionals, school social workers, and teachers. "The students are developing long skills on the court that can transfer to the classroom," Hutton said.

"It's an extremely positive experience seeing the growth from the students who may not have gotten their time to shine, and seeing the smiles on the faces of the parents and classmates supporting them."

Students on the team get a chance to represent their school, earn a Varsity letter, experience team travel, banquets, practice, and learn teamwork. The teams have a full schedule and play four 6 minute quarters just before the varsity basketball game.

The team will be playing Novi on February 5 at Little Caesar's Arena (LCA).

Here's their upcoming schedule:

2/3 @ Novi

2/5 @ LCA

2/8 vs. Troy

2/15 @ Grosse Pointe

2/17 vs. North Farmington

2/22 Parents Night vs. Troy Athens

2/24 @ Clarkston

3/5 Tournament Starts