Save the date!!
August 5 - Annual registration opens at noon. Head over to Parent Connection in MISTAR to begin.
This mandatory process applies to all Royal Oak families and is necessary to register your children for the 2024-25 school year.
Annual Registration Tip: be sure to click the box to receive TEXT messages from the district.
For new families who have not yet enrolled, please contact Central Enrollment at (248) 435-8400, x1260.
August 15 - Bulldog Bound for incoming 6th grade ROMS Students or brand new to ROMS students. Session #1: 8:15 am to 10:55 am, last names A-K. Session #2: 12:25 pm - 2:40 pm, last names L-Z. Can't attend your exact session? Just come to the other one...we will make it work!
Parents will drop off and pick up at gym doors in the back by the football field. PTSA and PAC will have a social gathering in the cafeteria for any parents interested in staying!
August 26 - first day of school! Students in grades K-12 should report to school on the morning of Monday, August 26, 2024. If you are new to the district and need to enroll, call Central Enrollment at (248) 435-8400, x1260.
August 29 - Family Welcome Back Night!
Location: 1500 Lexington near the football field at the Ravens Athletic Complex. Admission is free!
Families are invited to attend our welcome back night and meet many organizations that support Royal Oak Schools. Some of the many groups in attendance will be Royal Oak Schools PTAs, Before and After School Programs, Special Education Department, Royal Oak Youth Assistance, Royal Oak PAC, the City of Royal Oak, the YMCA, Teen Clean Closet, Blessings in a Backpack, and more.
There will be giveaways and games, ice cream and meal deals. This event is from 5:30 - 6:45 pm and includes free admission to the Ravens first home football game of the season. Those attending will receive a wristband to get into the game for free. Wristbands will not be available after 6:45 pm. This is not a drop-off event. This event will take place rain or shine. If inclement weather, we will set up in the Royal Oak High School cafeteria. Although the event is free, you will need cash to make any food purchases.