Producing The Raven Report
Producing the Raven Report
Posted on 11/02/2022

"It was great being back in the studio doing the Raven Report," said ROHS senior Toby Buckheim. "Everyone seemed to have a good time and I am looking forward to the rest of the school year bringing the Raven Report to the school."
The Raven Report is a news show created by students for students at Royal Oak High School. The Raven Report kicked off their productions in October this school year. The advanced broadcasting class and WOAK produce the live shows twice a week.
All the students in the class rotate positions giving each student an opportunity to try every aspect of television production. Some are anchors on the program while others are behind the scenes in the studio. They cover important dates for high school students and families including upcoming events, activities, and athletics.
"The Raven Report is the most energetic and exciting part of my school day," said ROHS Teacher Mike Conrad. "Watching this group of students work as broadcasters every day is inspiring."
The show has a tagline of "It's a great day to be a Raven." And the show starts off with, "And here's what's happening in YOUR #RavenNation." You can tune into the Raven Report on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:54 pm.
Watch the Raven report on the Raven Report YouTube page.